Oathbound - Band T-Shirts 2024
In 2024, I connected with Oathbound through the Seattle Progressive Music Association (Prog Jam). As they prepared for their debut EP Until It’s Gone, they wanted a fresh shirt design for their merch table. After discussing their music and visual themes, I pitched two concepts—and they loved them so much they decided to print both.
I refined each design into a three-color dithered artwork, optimized for screen printing. The final shirts gave Oathbound a standout merch table and a great opportunity to AB test with their fans.
The band wanted designs that expanded on their EP cover—featuring ghostly figures in a foggy marsh—but without directly replicating it. Inspired by themes of loss, separation, and remembrance, I created artwork reflecting spirits both tethered to and peacefully beyond this world.
To ensure a bold, high-quality print, I used specialized techniques to prepare the designs for screen printing while maximizing depth and color. The final prints turned out crisp, detailed, and visually striking—perfectly capturing the EP's ethereal aesthetic.