Aaron Varshay

JAG Lawyer 3

Book Cover Design - Graphic Design - Cover Design


JAG Lawyer 3 is a military legal thriller by Dave Darren. I created the cover design for the book and contributed to the style of the series.

The book centers around a JAG lawyer sent to investigate a military base in Japan that has had a number of crimes centering around it. While investigating the crimes on the base the main character discovers that something more nefarious is going on.


The previous covers in the series had a clear formula with their use of a dramatic lawyer character, military imagery, and overlays of crosshairs/ instrument readings. This entry in the series seemed to have a story angle that involved more action than in previous entries, with the main character being pursued by mysterious characters in a dramatic scene in the book. I wanted to take all these elements and combine them to utilize the language of the book as well as the story to create a compelling and exciting cover.

The cover uses the style of the previous book covers and invigorates it with new energy and excitement. This approach was somewhat risky for the series but our team felt that the imagery was compelling enough that it warranted it.




MSE Publishing + Dave Daren


Graphic Art

Creative Director

Jason Faraci

Project Link