Aaron Varshay

Hounds & Hares

Book Cover Design - Graphic Art


In 2021 I created the book cover for Duncan Wallace’s Hounds & Hares, the second entry in his DCI Kirk Ross thriller series.

The final cover has a strong aesthetic that allows the DCI Kirk Ross series to stand apart from Duncan Wallace’s other work. It also stands out on the Amazon marketplace with its dramatic mood, composition, and colors.


My main consideration was to preserve elements of the first book’s color, mood, and tone while also enticing readers with the new narrative of the book. Trying to preserve some mystery, I hinted at some of the narrative elements (the dog, the card, and the upscale group of men) without giving away exactly how they’re associated with the story. I then paired that with the aesthetics of the first book (bright red type, dramatic blacks, silhouetted figures, and pops of color/light) to finalize the look.




MSE Publishing + Duncan Wallace


Graphic Art

Creative Director

Jason Faraci

Project Link